Item(s): Chanel AW06 Chevron Jacket & Skirt Set.
Reason(s): This post is really just serving as a PSA incase you were ever looking for this jacket.
I regularly browse for vintage (read: secondhand) Chanel jackets and this is the first time I’ve seen this Chanel 06A jacket resurface in 2 years.
Kate Moss wore this Chanel jacket in 2006 or 2007 and I was obsessed.
… like, for the last 10+ years when someone mentioned fall jackets, my mind went straight to this one.
Fall 2020, I found it for a decent price (remember when everything was seemingly always on sale?) and bought it.
If you had also been following that set from HEWI 2 years ago, but missed out on my account, here’s your chance to nab it again.
Are you as into it as I am?