Walk This Way: GRLFRND Eva Denim Skirt Review

This is a review for the GRLFRND Eva A-Frame Gusset Skirt in “Walk This Way”… Saying the name of the skirt in its entirety is important. Because my first tip off that I wouldn’t love this skirt should have been the unnecessarily long name. The second is that I only thought it was unnecessarily long because I didn’t know what the word “gusset” meant.

Should have just acknowledged that Revolve was using a word that I didn’t know — admitted defeat and looked it up. But I figured it was some kind of superfluous word that didn’t matter to this GRLFRND denim skirt at all. WRONG.

GRLFRND Eva Denim Skirt
The dreaded gusset

It did. Because the “gusset” — which here means that they added extra denim to make it an extra big A-frame — is the reason why I’m lukewarm about this skirt.

Here’s what I think would make the Eva GRLFRND denim skirt better:

1- Just a pinch less high-waisted
It totally covers my belly button, which is fine because I didn’t want anyone to see it anyways. But it makes me feel like my stomach is bigger than it is as a result of how high it is.

2- Shorter

3- If there wasn’t any GUSSET
My problem with the gusset is that it makes the skirt way too A-frame.

The GRLFRND Eva denim skirt fits true-ish to size. I took a size 27 because that’s what the model on My Theresa wore (even though the model on Revolve apparently took a 24). I wore it to an American themed party with my Maison Labiche “Elvis” t-shirt, a scarf from Zara, and a pair of Repettos. I was trying to be a camp counsellor. No one got it. And I ended up feeling like a dope.

For reference I take a FR 38 in APC/Isabel Marant bottoms and a 24/25 in 2015/16 Rag & Bone skinny jeans (I’m convinced that they changed their sizes in the past four years, the year is important here!). I also take a size 25 in One by One Teaspoon Bandit Shorts. I definitely could have taken a size 26 in this skirt, but nothing smaller than that.

I’m sure that a GRLFRND denim skirt will work for lots of girls this season and even next.

A great denim skirt can do a lot of good for a girl’s style. And for some girls, this skirt will be that skirt for them! Unfortunately it isn’t that one for me…


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