Come Walk In My (Dior) Shoes

For the first time since 2009, we can finally lust over buy Dior online.
What better way to celebrate Dior on than these white floral lattice-cut pumps?

Rihanna Dior

Rihanna has brought the cool to Dior (and will hopefully continue to after Raf’s departure was announced) since she was announced as a brand ambassador/face of the brand earlier this year.

These Dior shoes are not cheap, at $1,070 USD they are literally (like actually, not the way we throw “literally” around these days) the cost of my rent when I lived in Toronto.

At 3″ they are just the right height…

Convertible for adding a flair to standard J Crew office dressing or the highlight of a night out. Turn to how Rihanna styles her white pumps. She knows the secret; in a monochrome outfit it brings out the detail on the shoe and in a casual outfit it adds an unexpected pop (100x better and more unexpected than the stereotypical red accent).

The white on white of these Dior pumps is also just right. It’s like a monochrome garden on your feet. That sounds sarcastic, but really I do love that. I love how detailed they are and it’s totally toned down by having the flowers the same colour as the lattice. It’d be way too kitschy if they were the typical pastel flower colours.

Available for your perusement (is that a word? it should be) at, you should go and add the whole collection to your wishlist… Now when will they add handbags?