Category: Clothing Reviews

  • Rag & Bone T-Shirt Sizing & Quality Review: They Fit To A T

    Rag & Bone T-Shirt Sizing & Quality Review: They Fit To A T

    That perfect white (or black) t-shirt… the ultimate foundation for a perfect outfit. I briefly tried Reformation’s basic t-shirts… but they failed to impress. In 2011 Rag & Bone did a DIY ad series with Lily Aldridge. I’m obsessed with her style… and then became obsessed with Rag & Bone’s jeans and t-shirts. … and…

  • With Jéan Size Review: I’m with Jéan for this dress

    With Jéan Size Review: I’m with Jéan for this dress

    With Jéan kinda came out of nowhere in 2017 and took the Instagram fashion world by surprised. You’ve seen their dresses on just about every ~influencer~ and model you’d ever have time to follow… Aimee Song, Martha Hunt, Natasha Oakley, the list goes on. … but we’ve all seen those “I ordered a dress I…

  • Réalisation Par Kate Dress Size Review: I waited 2 years for it

    Réalisation Par Kate Dress Size Review: I waited 2 years for it

    After the lightly disappointing Naomi skirt, I took a break from Réalisation Par. … and then my eBay alert dinged: the Kate dress in red polka dot was just listed. There’s something so sweetly and slightly seductive about a white dress with red polka dots. I’ve been trying to find the Kate dress and Rouje’s…

  • Rouje Gino Trousers Review: Summer in the shape of slacks

    Rouje Gino Trousers Review: Summer in the shape of slacks

    Did you see those floral trousers on Jeanne Damas’ Instagram? Of course they’re from Rouje. I’ll do a summery dress, obviously, or a summery skirt, but I’ve never been one for summery trousers. But Rouje’s Gino trousers? Oh boy, they look like a French summer party pants.

  • CAMI NYC Raven Dress Review: Slipping into a celebrity must-have

    CAMI NYC Raven Dress Review: Slipping into a celebrity must-have

    The Holy Closet Trinity: White t-shirt, battered denim shorts, and a black silk slip dress. … there is nothing in this world that’s easier or more fun to wear than any of those three pieces. But there’s nothing in your closet that’s harder to find than that perfect one. On my never ending quest for…

  • Rouje Gabinette Dress Review: I’m not obsessed with it

    Rouje Gabinette Dress Review: I’m not obsessed with it

    After adoring my Matis, Lena, and Gabin dresses… and of course the Lolo jumpsuit… it was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time that I got a sour cherry. Peak cherry season, for the fruit and the clothing print, is early summer. … you remember those long sweet days when all you…

  • ALEXACHUNG Review: Does her clothing line flatter non-models?

    ALEXACHUNG Review: Does her clothing line flatter non-models?

    I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate how much I love this dress. The year was 2010. I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed sophomore at FIT who waited outside Madewell for Alexa Chung’s debut collection during Fashion’s Night Out. Luckily by the time I tried it on, the Strokes had left…

  • Faithfull the Brand Review: Have a little faith in this dress

    Faithfull the Brand Review: Have a little faith in this dress

    “For the traveller! Established in 2012 on the Island of Bali. Effortless everyday pieces that are made for chasing the sun #faithfulltravels” This is Faithfull the Brand’s mission statement on Facebook. Sure, a lot of brands can say that their clothes are for the wanderlust, but not a lot can walk the talk. … but…

  • Réalisation Par Naomi Skirt SIZING Review: I’m not wild about it

    Réalisation Par Naomi Skirt SIZING Review: I’m not wild about it

    To start this review, the Naomi skirt is the first Réalisation Par item that I’ve ever returned. Sure, I wanted to exchange my first Ozzie and the Christy for smaller sizes… the Naomi though? I returned it. If you’ve read my other Réalisation Par reviews, you’ll note that this review feels different. Normally my reviews…

  • Rouje Lolo Jumpsuit Review: Jumping Into A Time Warp

    Rouje Lolo Jumpsuit Review: Jumping Into A Time Warp

    Every time a Rouje package lands at my doorstep I exclaim “this one is definitely my favorite!…” … but this time, I mean it. Rouje’s Lolo jumpsuit is my absolute favorite Rouje piece. If there was only one Rouje piece I could wear for the rest of my life, I would choose the Lolo. Jeanne…