A Trio of Tees: The Reformation Clothing Review

Check out my Reformation dress review here!

There’s always that cool club store, isn’t there? The one you’re desperate to be a part of.

And I always wanted to be part of Reformation’s downtown cool kids clothing club store.

Reformation makes clothing for that girl who’s too-cool for school. Her hair has those effortless waves or she’s tried and perfected the newest braid style. You wanna be her or at least be her BFF.

reformation homepage

The “hey babes!,” cute signs outside to Instagram, and the juicer goth vibes…

Reformation had everything I ever wanted… Except clothes that actually flatter me.

Needing some basic tee-shirts I decided to try Reformation again. Why not, two years have passed since I last tried to become a Ref babe. Maybe something changed…

For the sake of this review of the Reformation clothing (and well my need for some good basic tees), I ordered:

-Flax Slim Crew Tee, in white
-Kenny Tee, in black and white
-Plush Slim Crew Tee, in charcoal

the reformation clothing review

(Just as an FYI, I ordered all of them in a size small. James Perse I’m a 1 and in Rag & Bone t-shirts I take a small (or x-small))

Now for my reviews…

Flax Slim Crew Tee

I wanted to love this, I wanted to love it so much.

But I didn’t… And I don’t.

It’s so boxy, so sheer, the shoulders don’t match my shoulders, and it is so short.

I think the best way to describe it is pre-pilled and pre-too-shrunk.

I don’t have abnormally big shoulders… Or an abnormally long torso.

You can’t wear a skin-tone bra underneath, because it’s way too sheer and obvious. So you have to go all in with a black one. Totally fine, I love that look… When you’re out at night. Not when you’re running errands during the day.


Kenny Tee

the reformation kenny tee

This is my favourite out of the three I ordered.

It seems a little longer than the Flax Slim Crew Tee, and the shoulders fit much better.

It’s definitely quite relaxed, still boxy, a little pilly, and I have this sneaky feeling it’ll get a hole super soon. But there’s something about it that’s just a little better than the Flax one.

You do have to constantly readjust it to get a good collar placement though…

And it is also a bit too sheer. But not as bad as the Flax one. The site said “slightly sheer,” but I think they just wanted some alliteration. It’s more than slightly sheer.

⭐️⭐️ and a .5/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Plush Slim Crew Tee

Basically the same cut as the Flax Slim Crew one. I love the material more though. And the colour.

The material really is “plush.” It’s fantastic.

The charcoal colour is a wonderful way to break up an all-black outfit. It reminds me of this one I got from James Perse nine years ago (man, I hold onto clothes forever).

Unlike Flaxy, this one doesn’t have cuffed sleeves. Which is definitely a plus in my books.

But, there’s the same problem that the Kenny Tee has where you have to constantly readjust it so the collar isn’t totally high…

Also, the same problems as the Flax slim tee: My shoulders don’t fit that well and the length is still too short.

But, I’m going to boost it up half a star because I have the perfect skirt in mind for it…

Edit: Sept 29th 2016, finally wore this shirt and then washed it… Hand washed it in cold water and let it air dry — it SHRUNK an entire size. So I’m putting this t-shirt from 3 stars to 1… ?

⭐️ / ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Did I get the size wrong?

Was that my problem? I don’t think so…

I think it’s just how they’re made. To have that 70’s t-shirt vibe — you know, a little too small… It’s the style and it isn’t my style. I’m sure on someone else these could look magical. Especially on someone who favours high-waisted jeans/shorts/skirts. But me in my mid-to-low rises, I just feel uncomfortable.

And if their tees are making me feel this uncomfortable then maybe, I’ve realised at the end of this review of the Reformation clothing, I’m just not meant to be a Ref babe.

That’s okay though, because you look the best when you feel the best. And I’ll never feel my best in something that fits me so awkwardly.

So I’ll just idolize their clothing from afar.

And continue my search for the perfect t-shirt!… Anyone have any recommendations?

TLDR: Untraditional basic tees. If you want an off-beat over-sized but shrunken sheer tee that can be worn with high-waisted bottoms, they’re perfect.

If you’re looking for something more modern, keep clicking…

Another note: The Kenny and the Flax tees’ material got caught on the envelopes they send them in and was littered with brown hard-to-remove dots. Perhaps it’s better bought in store?


Reformation Dress Review